Sara Cutler, Ph.D.


Senior Technical Services Manager


Kemin Nutrisurance

Presentation description:

Medium-chain fatty acids to inhibit yeast and mold spoilage in pet treats Cutler explains how microbial spoilage presents a significant pet food safety and quality concern, especially in terms of mold and yeast in semi-moist pet treats due to their water activity and moisture content. With the ongoing consumer push for natural labels, preservatives research has focused on effective alternative natural options to the cultured whey and combination vinegar + citric acid products that are commonly used in the marketplace today. New studies show the promise of a novel, pantry-label-friendly liquid product containing coconut oil with high levels of fatty acids.


Sara Cutler, Ph.D., has 15 years of experience with the pet food industry and leads the Kemin Nutrisurance North America Technical Service group. She has a bachelor’s degree in animal science from South Dakota State University and a master’s degree and doctorate from Iowa State University.