Ingrid Chu


Vice president of Research and Insights


American Pet Products Association

Presentation Description:

Strategic insights for the pet food and pet care markets — Chu shares the state of the pet industry and how it has trended before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. She covers how generational changes are driving the future of the industry, how online shopping is surpassing brick and mortar, and why anyone not paying attention to social media, including YouTube, is missing out.


Ingrid Chu has over three decades of quantitative expertise in marketing, offering unparalleled insights cultivated through years of experience. With a comprehensive understanding of various methodologies, she provides organizations and businesses with a well-rounded perspective that proves invaluable in today’s dynamic landscape. Having served as an advisor to brands such as Mazda, Voya, Tupperware, Red Lobster and Nationwide Pet, Chu brings a wealth of knowledge and strategic acumen to the table. Her 2023 appointment at the American Pet Products Association reflects her dedication to furthering the success of the pet industry. Chu holds a bachelor’s degree from UC-Santa Barbara and a master’s degree from University of Southern California.